I awakened this morning with the thought that Christmas in America has been populated with so much commercialism that it’s easy to see why some people have opted out of Christmas. Each year the advertisements seem to start a bit earlier. The store promotions and news reports on sales often “pressure” us to think we should be spending more, or doing more for others, even if it is just to do out part in helping the economy. The actions of people during Black Friday sales reveal, as one Tweet said, “everything is for sale, except human dignity.”
What is the reason? What is the purpose? I believe that when people have no understanding of history then they follow trends without regard or question. The reason for this season is CHRIST! We give because He gave. His gift was unconditional love to each of us! John 3:16
If you can not place a gift under a tree for someone this year, try giving them a better gift ALL year – LOVE! It really is the best gift you can give!